Our Vision
To build a Jewish community in Mill Hill East which is vibrant, inclusive and caring; providing a rich Jewish life – religiously, educationally and culturally for all of our members.
Our Mission
Ensure that all groups within the community have sufficient provision of Jewish religious, social and educational services.
To ensure that MHEJC is much more than a group of people who just pray together; that we are a true community. A community that provides the foundations for building lifelong friendships between our members, support networks and a neighbourhood thriving with Jewish life. Our community will evolve with the needs of its members, our activities will never be confined to a physical space and seek out Rabbinic and lay leadership that represents our members.
Support through Life Cycle Events
Births: arrange a Brit Milah or baby blessing.
School admissions: we support the Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP) points scheme.
Bar/Batmitvah lessons
Weddings: pre-marriage lessons, help and support in preparation for the wedding.
Moving home: help you with putting up mezuzot or koshering your kitchen.
Funerals and Shiva houses: funeral and shiva house arrangements through the United Synagogue Burial Society.
“It’s incredible how much MHE Jewish Community have achieved over such a short space of time. From the moment we joined, we knew that it was perfect for us. MHE has so much to offer.”
“From my perspective, MHEJC is the paradigm of a Modern Orthodox community: forward-looking, vibrant, inclusive, and socially conscious. I am proud to be a member of MHEJC.”
Our aim at MHEJC is to support our members throughout the full spectrum of lifecycle events, the good times and the bad.
We also work to support local community initiatives outside of the Jewish community.
We provide tailored support for everyone - new parents, bereaved, and ill/injured members.​
We celebrate weddings, bar and bat-mitzvahs, births and milestone birthdays.
We volunteer at the Barnet homeless shelter at MHE Church. We run projects for Mitzvah day and support the MHE residents association activities.
If you or anyone that you know is in need of support please get in touch with us in confidence. We have a group of MHElpers ready and waiting to assist.